Objective To compare the clinical efficacy of autologous limbus corneae stem cell transplantation and the joint application of intraoperative mitomycin C treatment for primary pterygium.Metbods 103 cases ( with 123 eyes )were randomly divided into two groups,autologous limbus eorneae stem cell transplantation (51 cases with 61 eyes,referred to as stem cell transplantation group) and the joint appheafion of intraoperative mitomycin C (52 cases with 62 eyes,referred to as Intraoperative Mitomycin Cgroup),the patients were followed for 1 - 2 years after the operations. The corneal epithelial wound healing time of the two groups were 4 - 7 days.In the stem cell transplantation group,there were. 9 eyes recurred,the recurrence rate was 14.8%.In the Intraoperative Mitomycin C group,there were. 2 eyes recurred,the reeurrenee rate was 3.2%;the differences of these two groups had statistical significance ( x^2=5.018,P〈0. 05).Conclusions Limbus eomeae siena cell transplantation combined with mitomyein C in the treatment of primary. pterygium,with the good point of comeal wound recovering rapidly and with low recurrence rate.It' s an ideal surgical approaeh which should be popularized and applied.
International Medicine and Health Guidance News