
论破产中尚未履行完毕的合同 被引量:47

On Executory Contracts in Bankruptcy
摘要 尚未履行完毕的合同在破产中的处置,有不可自由选择和可自由选择两种。不可自由选择的合同的范围,主要是出于维护交易安全和保护合同当事人的预期而划定,如委托合同、附所有权保留的买卖合同、房屋租赁合同和知识产权许可使用合同等。对可自由选择的合同,完善的破产立法一方面应规定选择权,明确其性质,另一方面也应区别不同情形对其做适当的限制,在追求破产财产最大化的同时兼顾合同债权人利益的保护。在上述各个方面,我国《破产法》均有改进的余地。 Executory contracts in bankruptcy are generally classified into two categories:for some contracts,the bankruptcy trustee(or the debtor in possession)is awarded the freedom to choose between rejection and assumption,together with certain restrictions on these choices;for others,the law simply deprives the trustee(or the debtor in possession)the freedom to choose,like the lease contract and the intellectual property license contract.Chinese bankruptcy law needs to be improved in both aspects.As a general theory,the paper argues that limitations on the freedom to choose between rejection and assumption are necessary and important to balance the need of maximizing the bankruptcy estate and the goal of creditor protection(thus maximizing the overall welfare).
作者 许德风
机构地区 北京大学法学院
出处 《法学家》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第6期92-104,共13页 The Jurist
基金 北京大学法学院"青年教师科研基金"资助课题"破产制度的固有本质与时代属性:破产法立法史比较研究"的阶段性研究成果
关键词 拒绝履行 解除合同 租赁合同 技术转让合同 知识产权许可合同 Rejecting the Performance Rescinding the Contract Lease Contract Technology Transfer Contract Intellectual Property License Contract
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