
大豆杂交后代籽粒蛋白质和脂肪积累模式与亲本相异性分析 被引量:1

Analysis of Similarity and Variation in Accumulation Pattern of Protein and Oil of the Seeds Between Parents and Recombinant Inbred Lines of Soybean
摘要 【目的】本研究拟通过对3个基因型亲本和其杂交后代籽粒蛋白质和脂肪积累模式的对比分析,以了解大豆种子发育过程中碳分配规律与杂交后代籽粒蛋白质含量分异的相关关系,为未来大豆优质育种提供参考。【方法】以3个基因型大豆(Glycine max L.Merr:高蛋白品种PI153.217(H)、低蛋白品种PI294.372(L)和高产低蛋白品种Evans(E))为亲本进行两两杂交(H×E,L×E)后,从H×E杂交组合中选出高蛋白品系RIL(HH)和低蛋白品系RIL(HL),从L×E杂交组合中选出高蛋白品系RIL(LH)和低蛋白品系RIL(LL)。将亲本和杂交后代种子同时种植在试验地,在开花后的第18天开始,每隔5d采收一次豆荚直到种子成熟,并分析不同时间收集的种子组分。【结果】亲本H和L种子生育期短(开花后48d),但生长快。高产品系E(植株高大,每株上的豆荚数多)生育期较长(开花后60d),生长速率较低。杂交后代RIL(HH)生长模式与H相同,RIL(LL)与L和E的相同。不同基因型亲本蛋白质和脂肪积累模式主要在发育的中晚期不同。在种子生长的中晚期,H蛋白质持续快速积累到种子成熟,L和E相对积累较慢;开花后40dH脂肪积累达到最高,而L和E仍缓慢积累。不同杂交组合的高蛋白品系HH(70)和LH(372)种子脂肪和蛋白质积累模式和H亲本相似,低蛋白品系LL(389)和HL(42)和E亲本相似。同一杂交组合蛋白质含量发生分异的杂交后代HH(70)保持了与H一样的脂肪和蛋白质积累模式,HL(42)趋向与和E一样脂肪积累模式。【结论】种子发育过程中碳分配趋向决定着成熟种子蛋白质和脂肪含量,杂交后代中蛋白质含量的分异与中晚期种子发育过程中碳分配途径变化密切相关。为此,了解种子发育过程中碳分配基因调控机理对提高大豆种子蛋白质含量十分重要。 [ Objective] Comparison of accumulation pattern of oil and protein between different genotype parent lines and their recombinant inbred lines (RIL) were made to determine how C partitioning into protein or oil in high protein genotypes was achieved and transmitted to progeny selected from crossing between high and low protein parents, which will provide a reference for breeding high protein and high yield soybean seeds. [ Method] Three genotypic soybean lines (Glycine max L. Merr.), high protein PI(H), low protein PI(L), high yield and low protein parent Evans (E), were used as parent lines and crossed E with H (HxE) and L (LxE) respectively. Then, high protein RIL (HH and LH ) and high oil lines RIL (HL, LL) were selected from HxE and LxE. The seeds of parent lines and RIL were grown in the field. Pods were harvested at 5 d interval froml 8 d until yellow pod stage yellow. Seed components in the seeds collected from each stage were tested. [ Result ] The seed developmental period of parent lines H and L (48 d) was shorter a that of parent line E (60 d) with plant height, more pods in the plant, but former had higher growth rate than later. RIL with high protein (HH) had similar growth pattern to high protein parent line (H), RIL with low protein (LL) similar to low protein parent line (L) and high yield line (E). The developmental pattern of DW partitioning into protein and oil varied with protein genotype in later season. In the later season of seed development, the protein content in H continued to increase until maturity, while that in L and E accumulated relatively slow. Oil content in H peaked at about 40 DAF and continued to accumulate in .L and E after 40 DAF. In different cross combinatiOns, accumulation patterns of protein and oil in RILs HH (70) and LH(372) selected for high protein were the same as parent H with high protein. While RILs selected for low protein LL(389) and HL(42) had similar accumulation pattern of protein
出处 《中国农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第11期4106-4114,共9页 Scientia Agricultura Sinica
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划(2009CB421303) 中国科学院方向性项目(KZCXZ-YW-431) 鲁东大学校基金
关键词 大豆基因型 杂交后代 蛋白质和脂肪积累模式 碳分配 genetic lines of soybean recombinant inbred lines accumulation pattern of protein and oil partition of C
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