
电力线通信系统的功率注水分配 被引量:1

Power Water-filling Allocation in Power-line Communication Systems
摘要 针对电力线信道在总功率、功率谱密度和各子载波比特数的约束,文中探讨了单用户在电力线信道自适应OFDM系统的功率分配模型,提出了两种新的基于开关和地窖的混合迭代注水功率分配算法。在典型电力线通信环境下的仿真结果表明,穷举搜索算法和功率比较算法的性能一样,但穷举搜索算法的仿真时间长且变化大。 Aiming at the real power-line channel restrictions of the total power, power spectrum density and bit number for evevry subcarrier, the power assignment model for singal user in power-line communications (PLC) adaptive OFDM systems is discussed. Two novel mixed iterative water-filling power allocation algorithms based on the on-off and cellar principles are proposed. The simulation results in typical PLC environments show that the enumeration searching algorithm has the same performance with the power comparing algorithm, but the former requires long computation time and is with large variance.
出处 《通信技术》 2009年第11期52-54,共3页 Communications Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(编号:60402004)
关键词 电力线通信 自适应正交频分复用 功率分配 注水 power-line communications adaptive OFDM power allocation water-filling
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