
多中继AF协作系统功率分配研究 被引量:7

Study on Power Allocation for Multi-relay AF Cooperative System
摘要 功率分配是协作通信中一个重要的研究方向,文章分析了放大转发(AF)协作方式下,基于正交信道的多协作中继系统模型,在此基础上推导了系统中断概率。并以最小化系统中断概率为目标,给出系统功率分配约束表达式,进一步分析了功率分配与中继节点位置的关系,计算求得单中继和两中继情况系统最优功率分配系数。系统仿真表明最优功率分配相对常规的等功率分配,系统性能明显提升。 Power allocation is a study hotspot of cooperative communication. The paper analyzes the system model of multi- relay cooperative system based on orthogonal channel with AF protocol and derives the outage probability of the system. With minimal outage probability as the goal, it gives the constraint expression of power allocation, and further analyzes the relation between power allocation and relay location. The optimal system power allocation parameters in single relay and two relays are calculated. System simulation shows that the optimal power allocation performs better than traditional equal power allocation.
出处 《信息安全与通信保密》 2011年第12期65-67,共3页 Information Security and Communications Privacy
关键词 协作通信 放大转发 功率分配 中断概率 cooperative communication AF(amplify and forward) power allocation outage probability
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