
伊朗核问题的民族主义释义 被引量:1

A Nationalism Explanation to Iran's Nuclear Problem
摘要 冷战后,伊朗民族主义表现出强烈的政治性、经济性、文化性和伊斯兰性特征。近年来愈发受到国际社会关注的伊朗核问题实际上是伊朗民族主义政治化的产物,是伊朗民族主义忧患意识、民族复兴意识的集中体现。伊朗民族主义主导下的核武器化具有双面性,一方面是维护政府权威、转移国内矛盾的工具,另一方面也是自我封闭和诱发民族极端主义的基础。在国家安全环境没有大改观的情况下,伊朗的核抱负将长期是伊朗民族主义者动员群众、发动群众进行国家建设,消除内忧外患的有力武器。未来,核武器化下的民族主义或民族主义下的核武器化能否走出极端保守的阴影,对伊朗来说是生死攸关的;对地区局势乃至世界和平来说,也是至关重要的。 After the cold war, Iranian nationalism showed its strong political, economical, cultural and Islamic traits. Iran's nuclear problem, which has recently gained more and more attention in the world, actually is both the result of the politicization of Iranian nationalism and the embodiment of the awareness of national worries and rejuvenation. Irang nuelearization has two sides: on one hand, it is the tool to support the government's authority and divert internal conflicts; on the other hand, it is the foundation of self - isolation and source of national extremism. Iran's nuclear aspiration will be the nationalist's forceful weapon to mobilize Iranians to build their country and eliminate internal and external threats until the national security environment changes. In the future, whether nuclearized nationalism or nationalized nuclear weapon will be out of the shadow of extremism or not is crucial to Iran, to the region, and even to the world peace.
作者 闫文虎
出处 《世界民族》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第5期1-10,共10页 Journal of World Peoples Studies
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