The Greater and Lesser Khingan Range eco -functional zone plays an extremely important strategic role among the eco - functional zones in our country. To build and improve the Greater and Lesser Khingan Range eco - functional zone, we have to respect the law of nature, put economic and social development under restriction of eco - environmental conditions. This is the common responsibilities of the local governments, the society and the state. Stop commercial felling as soon as possible, to restore step by step the functions of the natural ecosystem. We shall create conditions for separation of administrative functions from enterprise management, laying a system foundation for formation of the long - term mechanism for construction of the eco - functional zone. We shall deepen reform of forest ownership system, to promote transformation of forestry economy to forest region economy, aiming at harmonic development of ecology, economy and society. It shall be considered to set up the state - level Greater and Lesser Khingan Range eco - functional special zone, so as to solve the problems of protection and construction of the trans - pro- vincial eco - functional zone on basis of unified arrangement.
Environmental Science and Management
the greater and lesser khingan ranges
the eco -functional zone