Aim:To establish animal model for hypertrophicscar. Methods: To total 46 ears of 23 rabbits, and severaltypes of wounds were created as follows: 100 round wounds(d=6mm) and 12 square wounds (15 ×15 mm) with totalskin loses on the ventral side, 24 round wounds (d=6 mm)on the back side, 12 round wounds (d= 6 mm) withcartillage and skin loses on the ventral side. Results:Excessivedermal scarring appears on the ventral side and asts morethan 100 days. Tipical injection of IFN-γ and TGF-β1, showedresponse similar to hypertroophic scar in human body. 50%excessive dermal scarring appears on the back side.Conclusion: Excessive dermal scarring appears after wound close onthe ventral side of rabbit's ear. It might become an animalmodel for the study of hypertrophic scar.
Journal of the Fourth Military Medical University