
动词生成任务相关脑区的功能磁共振成像研究 被引量:1

Study on brain areas related to verb generation task with functional MRI
摘要 目的:观察动词生成任务过程中的fMRI脑激活情况,分析各脑激活区在动词生成任务中的作用。方法:对23例正常志愿者进行组块设计的动词生成任务fMRI,试验中要求被试者根据给出的单字名词,组成一个相关的动词词语。fMRI扫描采用GE公司1.5T磁共振仪。采用SPM2软件对试验数据进行预处理和统计分析,将激活区叠加于MNI标准模板脑,观察有统计学意义的体素所在的脑区及其MNI坐标,记录激活区的激活强度。结果:动词生成任务的主要激活区包括:Broca区和左侧岛叶部分皮层;右侧额下回后部和部分岛叶皮层;双侧运动前区(以左侧为主);双侧辅助运动区;左侧扣带回前部;左侧顶后皮层;两侧丘脑;两侧基底节区;双侧小脑半球(以右侧为主);左颞下回;两枕叶也见散在激活,但强度较弱。结论:动词生成任务可有效激活与语言输出功能有关的相关脑区,这些脑区可能是语言输出功能的神经网络基础。 Objective: To observe the activated areas during performing verb generation tasks, and analyze the possible funetion of activated areas in expressive langu age. Methods: Twenty-three subjects were recruited in this study, all them received block-designed fMRI with verb generation tasks. The subjects were asked to generate a verb based on a given noun word during experiment. GE 1.5 T MR Scanner was used to obtain fMRI data with GRE-EPI. SPM2 was used to process fMRI data. Finally, activated mapping was overlapped onto standard MNI template.Locations, MNI coordinate and activated intensity of the brain areas were recorded. Results: Verb generation task mainly activated Broea's area, bilateral PMC and SMA, bilateral insular lobes, anterior part of the left cingulated gyrus, left posterior parietal cortex , bilateral thalamus and basal ganglions, bilateral cerebellum with right prominence, and bilateral occipital lobes. Conclusion: Verb generation is effective tasks for detecting brain areas related to expressive language with functional MRI. All these activated areas form a complex neural network for expressive language.
出处 《天津医科大学学报》 2009年第3期351-353,397,共4页 Journal of Tianjin Medical University
基金 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金资助项目(30700193)
关键词 功能磁共振成像 运动性语言 动词生成 fMRI Expressive language Verb generation
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