
肝脏与胰腺发育的分子调控 被引量:2

Molecular Control of Liver and Pancreas Development
摘要 肝脏和胰腺均由内胚层发育而来的消化器官,它们广泛地参与糖代谢、脂类代谢和蛋白质代谢。肝脏和胰腺的发育是一个动态连续的过程,并受到多种信号途径及转录因子的调控。基于上述特点和显著的医用价值,笔者对肝脏和胰腺发育过程中的分子作用机理作了系统地阐述,这将不仅有助于理解与肝脏和胰腺相关疾病的发病机理,同时也为有效地指导相关疾病的预防及治疗工作提供分子理论基础。 Liver and pancreas, derived from endoderm, are both important digestive organs. In vertebrate, liver and pancreas extensively take part in metabolism of glycogen, lipids and protein. Their development is a coordinated sequence of processes, and eontrolled by multi-signal pathways and transcription factors. Based on the above-mentioned facts and obviously medical importance, the molecular mechanisms of their development were elucidated in the paper, it will be useful for better understanding of diseases which are relative to liver and pancreas, and it also provide molecular theory for diagnosis and treatment.
作者 鹿薇
出处 《畜牧与饲料科学》 2009年第6期6-8,共3页 Animal Husbandry and Feed Science
关键词 肝脏 胰腺 信号途径 转录因子 liver oancreas signaling pathways: transcriotion factors
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