
母亲人格与5岁儿童自主性的相关研究 被引量:3

The Correlative Study between Maternal Personality and 5-Year-Old Children's Autonomy
摘要 本研究采用问卷和实验相结合的方法,对母亲人格与5岁儿童自主性之间的关系进行了探讨。结果表明:母亲的经验开放性不仅影响儿童自主性总体的发展,也影响自主性两个维度--自我依靠和自我主张的发展;母亲的宜人性与儿童自主性总分呈显著正相关,但二者不存在因果关系,与自主性两个维度--自我依靠和自我主张也呈正相关,但相关均不显著;母亲的外倾性影响儿童自我主张的发展,但与儿童的自我依靠和自主性总分相关均不显著。 This study explored the relationship between maternal personality and 5-year-old children's autonomy through the combination of questionnaire and experiment. The results show that: (1)Not only does maternal openness to experience affect the development of children's overall autonomy, but also affects the development of two dimensions (self-reliance and self-assertion) of autonomy. (2)Maternal agreeableness is significantly positively related to the total score of autonomy of children, but there is no causal relationship between them; maternal high agreeableness is also positively related to two dimensions (self-reliance and selfassertion) of autonomy, but no significant correlation. (3)Maternal extroversion affects the development of children's self-assertion, but no significant correlation with self-reliance and the total score of autonomy of children.
作者 侯林 邹晓燕
出处 《学前教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第10期34-37,共4页 Studies in Early Childhood Education
关键词 5岁儿童 自主性 独立性 人格 5-year-old children, autonomy, independence, personality
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