应用同位素示踪技术研究了几种软件动物:翡翠贻贝、波纹巴非蛤、凸加夫蛤、曲畸心蛤、伊萨伯雪蛤,纵带滩栖螺和珠带拟蟹守螺,对^14C-DDT和^14C-杀灭菊 酯和积累和排泄。结果表明:^14C-DDT能很快地在动物体中积累,翡翠贻贝和波纹巴非蛤积累DDT的能力最高,腹足类的纵带滩栖螺和珠带拟蟹守螺积累DDT的能力较差。^14C-DDT在动物中的分布具有器官特异性。
The accumulation and elimination of ~14C-DDT and ~14C-fenvalerate by somemarine mollusks are studied. The results show that ~14C-DDT can be rapidlyaccUmulated by mollusks. Perna viridis, Papha (Paphia) undulata and Cerithideacingulata have strong capability to accumulate DDT from ambient environment with theconcentration factors of 17 346, 9 197 and 9 098 in the digestive glands respectively.Except Chione (Clausinella) isabellina, the concentration factors of DDT in the softtissues of mollusks range from 860 to 17 346. The distribution of DDT is different indifferent organs of mollusks, the highest relative radioactivity is discovered in thedigestive gland and the gill, then the mantle, foot and siphon, the lowest in the shell.Longer half-life of DDT is also revealed in Paphia (Paphia) undulata. Except the gill,the half-life of DDT in organs of the clam is longer than 30 days, the digestive glandeven continues to accumulate DDT at the early stage of elimination experimentsuggesting that Paphia (Paphia) undulata be a good indicator for DDT contamination.The patterns of accumulation and elimination of ~14C-fenvalerate in mollusks are similarto those of DDT,but the concentration factors are much lower, ranging from 2.2-270.8.The half-lives of fenvalerate in the organs of mollusks are shorter too, ranging from3.1-18.3.