Objectlve To investgate the diagnostic value of three detection methods of tuberculous pleuritis. Methods 47 patients of pleuritis were selected,among which 37 were tuberculous pletwitis diagnosed by histopathology or etiology,and 10 were malignancy. ADA level , TB-Ab and Mtb. specific antigens by ELISPOT way were measured, then investgated for sensitivity and specificity. Results There was significant difference between tuberculous and malignant pleural effusion, considering the level of ADA, TB-Ab and Mtb. specific antigens with ELISPOT. In patients with tuberculous pleuritis ,the sensitivity of ADA( 〉 45 U/L) ,TB-AB and Mtb. specific a,K, tigens( 〉40 sensitized T lymphocytes ) is 70.2%(26/37),62.2% (23/37),97.3% (36/37) respectively,and specificity is 45% (9/20) ,33.3% (7/21) ,90% (9/10) respectively,with diagnose accordance rate 74.5% (35/47) ,63.8% (30/47) ,95.7% (45/47) res..sespectively. Conclusion Detection of ADA level and TB-Ab in pleural effusion is useful to increase diagnosis efficacy, while Mib specific antigens by ELISPOT way is a fast diagnostic method.
Chinese Journal of Laboratory Diagnosis