用聚四氟乙烯与热塑性聚氨酯制备了3种不同热定型温度下的服装用聚四氟乙烯共同拉伸膜,提出了基于聚四氟乙烯微粒熔融的共同拉伸膜热定型模型,并阐明了热定型温度对共同拉伸膜形态结构、弹性回复性和透湿性等的影响.经280℃热定型的共同拉伸膜,弹性回复率为66%,透湿量达9 655g/d.m2,可以满足服装变形舒适性与透湿舒适性的要求.
Three kinds of PTFE co-stretching membrane for garments were prepared with PTFE and TPU under different heat-setting temperatures. The heat-setting model of co-stretching membrane based on PTFE particles' melting was put forwerd. The effects of heat-setting temperature exerting on membrane morphology, elastic recovery and moisture permeability and so on were clarified with this model. Under 280℃ ,elastic recovery and water vapor permeability of the membranes is 66% and 9 655 ( g/( d · m^2) ) respectively, so that the requirements of garment moisture permeable and distortion comfortability can be net.
Journal of Xi’an Polytechnic University
Sponsored by Shanghai Technology Innovation Funding for Science and Technology(0352H1222)