[目的]了解沈阳市和平区猩红热发病特征,为制订消除猩红热策略提供依据。[方法]对沈阳市和平区1997-2006年猩红热病例进行描述流行病学分析。[结果]1997-2006年累计发病1 550例,累计发病率24.22/10万。1997-1998年猩红热发病率维持在较高的水平,2002年猩红热发病率呈现一次小高峰,2006年又呈现一次小高峰。不同年份间发病率的差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。全年均有发病,其中4、11月发病达高峰。全区22个街道均有发病,但主要为人口流动性较大的街道。发病年龄以15岁人群为主,1 474例,占95.01%。[结论]我区猩红热发病率一直处于较高水平。人群普遍易感是猩红热增高的一个重要因素。病例确诊困难、误诊和漏报同时存在。加强监测工作是预防暴发和流行的重要措施。在中小学及托幼机构积极开展健康教育,减少发病率。
[Objective]To know epidemiological characteristics of Scarlet fever in Heping district of Shenyang city from 1997 to 2006 and provide evidence for specific strategies and measures for scarlet fever prevention and control, [Methods] Epidemiological characteristics of scarlet fever in Heping district of Shenyang from 1997 to 2006 were analyzed with descriptive epidemiological method. [Resuits]l 550 cases of scarlet fever were reported during the period 1997 to 2006.and cumulative incidence rate was 24.22/100 000. Annual morbidity of scarlet fever was relatively high level in 1997 and 1998, and the morbidity displayed minor peak in 2002 and 2006 respectively. There was a difference of the incidence in different years( P 〈0.01). Incidence achieved the peak in April and November and was main in 22 communities with more floating population. 1 474 cases were at the age of 15, accounting for 95.01%. [Conclusion]The morbidity of scarlet fever has been kept relatively high level in Heping district. A key factor causing morbidity increase is population's general susceptibility. It exists that the difficulty of diagnosis, misdiagnosis and missing to report at the same time. It was very important to strengthen monitoring in order to prevent the outbreak and prevalence of scarlet fever. Healthy education in middle, primary schools and kindergartens must be carried out to reduce the morbidity.
Preventive Medicine Tribune
Scarlet fever
Epidemiological characteristics