描述了嵌入式系统在轨道检测仪的设计过程,讲述了水平、高低、轨向、轨距几何参数测量数学模型;系统主要是由传感器、A/D转换器、ARM7微控制器LPC2148和PC机组成,内存容量可储存100 km以上线路检测数据;重点介绍了数据采集系统部分,并讨论了均值滤波方法;该仪器较人工测量,具有精度高、可连续自动测量和数据显示、存储等优点;软件分析结果表明,仪器性能达到了设计精度要求,可用在无碴轨道的施工铺设和已建线路的调整。
A design of embedded system which aims at the application of track measurer is described. The mathematics model of orientation. gauge, horizontal, height and mileage are put forward. The system is mainly made of Sensor, A/D Converter, ARM7 Microcontroller LPC2148 and PC Computer. the memory capacity can save more than 100kin line inspection data. With emphasis on Data Acquisition System, the mean filter method is also discussed. Compared with manual measurement, the instrument has advantages of high precision, automatical measurement and displayed in real time. According to the analysis of the software, the measurer reaches the request of design. It can be used in ballastless track construction and adjust the built line.
Computer Measurement &Control