根据农七师土地资源利用现状,运用LINGO 11.0模型语言对土地资源优化配置和农业结构调整进行研究,寻求一种利用现代信息技术,提高土地资源科学管理水平,加速本地区经济发展的管理方法。通过建立目标规划模型,确定目标函数、决策变量、约束变量,编写代码,运行得出提高经济效益的最优方案。结果表明:运用LINGO 11.0进行土地资源优化配置的方法,是将土地利用、农业结构、三大效益和数学模型有效结合,具有较强的操作性和通用性;在保证环境效益条件下,总产值提高了30.6%,而且编程简单,功能强大,简便高效,应用广泛。
According to actuality of agricultural land resources utilization in the Seventh Agricultural Division. It was studied the optimal allocation of land resources and agricultural restructuring, in order to find a way to improve the level of scientific management of land resouroes to accelerate regional economic development, based on modern information technology. We had come to enhance the optimal cost - effective program through the establishment of the goal programming model, determining the objective function, decision variables, constraint variables and programming, and the best progrmns to enhance economic efficiency. The results showed that:the use of LINGO 11.0 for optimal allocation of land resources, was to incorporate the land use, agrieuhural structure, the three - effectiveness and the integration of mathematical models effectively, and had strong interoperability and commonality; the GDP increased 30. 6 percent in conditions of ensuring environmental benefits, and programming easy, powerful, simple, efficient and widely used.
Environmental Science and Management