Objective To explore the best time of second cutting neonates' umbilical cord stump by comparing the effects of recuttings made at different times. Methods 1 600 normal neonates without umbilical hernia were randomly sampled, and were divided into four groups. The first-time cutting for all the groups was made at the valve core with the near end 1 mm and far end 1 cm from the navel chakra, and the second, at the 24th , 36th, 48th and 60th hours, respectively, after the birth. Then observations were made of the umbilical blood oozing, secretion, the time at which the wound surface dried and healed, and the hospital revisiting for further treatment. Results The rates of umbilical blood oozing among the 36th-hour, 48th-hour and 60th-hour groups were distinctly lower than that among the 24th-hour group, the differences being statistically significant (P〈0.0001); the rates of umbilical secretion oozing on the 4th day among the 24th-hour, 36th-hour and 48th-hour groups were statistically significantly lower than that of the 60th-hour group (P〈0.0001); the time that the wound surface dried and healed among the 24th-hour, 36th-hour and 48th-hour groups was shorter than that for the 60th-hour group, the differences having statistical significance (P〈0.0001); the numbers of cases those revisited the hospital owing to the non-healing of the wound surface among the 24th-hour, 36th-hour and 48th-hour groups were smaller than that of the 60th-hour group (P〈0.0001), the differences having statistical significance. Conclusion The best time of second cutting of neonates' umbilical cord stump is at 36th to 48th hours after the birth. Second cutting made at this time involves lower possibility of umbilical blood oozing, less umbilical secretion, shorter time for the healing of the wound surface and fewer hospital revisiting due to non-healing of the umbilical wound surface.
Journal of Nursing(China)
second cutting of umbilical cord stump
the best time