
近视散光眼角膜像差的特征及其影响因素分析 被引量:2

Analysis of characteristic and effective factors of corneal aberrations in myopic astigmatic eyes
摘要 目的研究近视散光眼角膜像差与屈光度、年龄的关系以及左右眼的对称关系,为眼部疾病的临床诊断和治疗提供客观依据。方法随机选择大连医科大学附属第一医院眼科屈光中心欲行近视眼准分子激光手术的患者96例192只眼,术前进行眼科常规检查以及角膜波阵面像差检查。年龄18~48岁,平均(25.8±4.0)岁;包括男性54例108只眼,女性42例84只眼;球镜为-2.59~10.74D,平均(-3.82±2.21)D;柱镜为-0.05~2.44D,平均(-0.71±0.51)D。分析角膜像差与年龄、屈光度的关系以及角膜像差在左右眼之间的关系。结果(1)Z3^1 RMS3项角膜像差随年龄增长而增加。(2)角膜球差和球镜屈光度呈正相关(r=0.375,P〈0.01),角膜彗差和柱镜屈光度呈负相关(r=-0.335,P〈0.05),高度近视组角膜彗差和球镜屈光度呈负相关(r=-0.468,P〈0.01)。(3)左右眼角膜像差呈对称关系。结论角膜前表面波前像差分析,彗差与年龄呈正相关,球差和彗差分别与球镜度数和柱镜度数呈负相关,高度近视患者彗差与球镜屈光度呈负相关,双跟角膜像差有明显对称性。 Objective To study the correlations of the corneal aberrations among the age, diopter and the symmetry of the corneal aberrations between right and left eyes, to offer clinic data for diagnoses and treatments ofophthalmopathy.Methods A total of 96 normal cases( 192 eyes)including 54 males( 108 eyes)and 42 females(84 eyes)were recruited in the Refractive Center through the routine examinations and Topolyzer analysis.The average age was(25.8±4.0)years old(range 18 to 48 years old).The mean spherical diopter was(-3.82±2.21 )D (range -2.59 to - 10.74D ), and the mean cylindrical diopter was ( -0.71±0.51 )D ( range -0.05 to -2.44D ). The relationship of corneal aberrations among age and diopter were analyzed, as well as the one between different eyes by using Zernike terms.Results 1.In the study Z3^1, RMS3 of corneal aberrations increased with age.2. The analysis of data showed spherical aberration correlated significantly with spherical diopter (r = -0.468, p〈0.01 )and coma aberration correlated with cylindrical diopter (r= -0.325,P〈0.05).Coma aberration showed relationship with spherical diopter in high myopic group(r=-0.375, P〈0.01 ).3.Corneal Zernike terms were significantly symmetric between right and left eyes.Conclusions Coma in comea increased with age.Spherical and coma aberrations had negative correlation respectively with spherical and cylindrical diopter, and significant correlation was found between coma and spherical diopter in more than -6.00D group.There is a mirror symmetric character between left and right eyes.All the characteristics of the anterior surface of cornea provide theoretical bases for topography-guided custom corneal ablation, implantation of IOL, and diagnosis and treatment of keratoconus.
作者 周正 张丰菊
出处 《中国实用眼科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第7期718-721,共4页 Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology
关键词 角膜像差 年龄 屈光度 对称 Corneal aberrations Age Diopter Symmetry
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