20%烟嘧磺隆.莠去津油悬浮剂是新型玉米苗后茎叶处理混剂,就其对春玉米安全性及对杂草的防除效果进行了试验。结果表明:在玉米苗后3~5叶期喷雾,剂量为240~300 g.hm-2,施药后30 d对杂草的综合防效为93.3%~97.2%,增产幅度为20.5%~21.7%。
20% Nicosulfuron. Atrazine OF is a new herbicide applied to maize field. It was chosen to control weeds in maize filed and its safety was studied in this experiment. The results showed that application of 20% Nicosulfuron. Atrazine OF at 240-300 g · hm-2 could control weed and it was .safety. The optimum application time was during 3-5 leaf stage. The total control effect were 93.3 % - 97.2 % in 30 days after application. The increasing yield ranged from 20. 5% to 21.7 %.
Heilongjiang Agricultural Sciences