动态状态估计是考虑状态随时间变化的准稳态状态估计,兼有状态估计和状态预报功能,它是传统状态估计在时域上的延伸,能够帮助我们更好地了解电网的实际运行状态,提高安全监视和风险防控的能力。由于受到SCADA量测的限制,动态状态估计一直停留在研究阶段,借助于广域测量系统(WAMS)下提供的丰富信息,有望使其走出实验室,实现工程应用。在分析了各种混成量测的状态估计方法后,结合华东电网WAMS现状,选取基于非线性Kalm an滤波的混成动态状态估计方法,充分利用PMU数据,辅以SCADA数据增加冗余度,在工程实施方面具有现实意义。
By taking into account the real-time state of power systems, dynamic state estimation is used for estimation and forecasting of the state. It is an extension of conventional state estimation, which can help to understand the real time operation of the grid, thus improving the safety monitoring and risk prevention capability of the power system. Due to the restriction in terms of the SCADA measurement, the dynamic state estimation has been retained in the research stage. By availing the rich information provided by the WAMS, it is expected to step out of the laboratory and put into engineering application. After analysing the state estimation method of various mixed measurements, and considering the current situation of the WAMS of the East China Grid, the author uses the mixed dynamic state estimation method based on nonlinear Kalman filter, which can make full use of the PMU data, together with the SCADA data to increase the redundancy. It could be of practical value in engineering practice.
East China Electric Power