OBJECTIVE This paper presents the development and status of free antemarital medical examination (FAME) among young people at marriage age since free antemarital medical examination health care is provided in Jiande City of Zhejiang Province, investigates the main factors that affect the free antemarital medical examination rate, analyzes the reasons that young people are not willing to take FAME, and finally proposes the strategies that may increase and improve the FAME rate.METHODS A Random questionnaire survey is performed with 1 000 young people at marriage age in this paper. RESULTS The comprehensive analysis to the survey is conducted and shows that whether young people take the marriage physical examination is associated with their education, career, income, and information about FAME, consciousness on the significance of FAME. CONCLUSIONS The strategies to improve the implementation of FAME are provided and summarized in this work: long term regulating and monitoring policies need to be build up and improved, the necessity and significance of FAME should be emphasized and educated among young people, and the awareness and enthusiasm of young people should be trigged and improved. On the other hand, to increase the FAME rate, to strengthen regulations, and to standardize health care services.
Chinese Primary Health Care
free antemarital medical examination
random questionnaire survey
strategy analysis