Field and culture [15-30℃, 70~ 100μE / (m2. s)] studies on Bangia collected fromcoasts of Fujian Province, Jiangsu Province and Qingdao were conducted in 1989-1992. An integrallife cycle from macroscopic phase to microscopic phase had been completed in culture. The slideswere prePared according to Wittinann (1965) in some key phases of the life cycle. The structure andfunction of the sexual cells, spermatia and carpogonia, in the sexual reproduction of Bangia sp. wereobservated with olympus BW-2 microscope. The results were as follow. The carpogonia possessedextensive protrichogynes (Plate 1:2-6) and a few spermatia adhered on these Proections (Plate 1:6)which disappeared after fertilization (Plate I:7, 8). The cytological evidence indicates that thefertilization was completed. Haploid chromosome number in the vegetative cells of macroscopicthallus and spermatia, and diploid chromosome number in cmpspores had been shown by cytologicalstudies of the different phases of life cycle. The carpospores were the products after fertilization.Simultaneously, some younger thalli of Bangia sp. could release a large number of asexual sporeswhich developed in bipolar fashion to produce thalli which is the same as their parents. Therefore,the asexual reproduction mode could result in a significant increase in the plants within a limitedperiod of time.The chromosomes of some key phases of the life cycle, vegetable cells, spermatia, carpogonia,neutral spores, were counted. The work proved that the chromosome number of Bangia sp. fromFujian was n = 6, 2n =12 (Plate I:9,10), and that from Jiangsu and Qingdao n = 8 (Plate I:11, 12).Morphylogical chateristics of Bangia sp. are very simple, whilst more difficulites have beenencountered in the classification of this genus. The studies on the chromosome number in this papershow that Bangia sp. from the different sites of China at least includes two species with differentchromosome numbers.
Oceanologia Et Limnologia Sinica
Reproductive modes Chromosome number Classification Bangia sp.