HRP solution was injected into the dorsal commissural nucleus (DCN) of segment L_6 or S_1 of the spinal cord and laterodorsal tegmental area(TLD)——take the Barrington's nucleus as its center and lateral parabrachial nucleus (PBL) of the rostral pons in different individuals of the rats. After HRP was injected into the DCN, labelled neurons and dense terminals were found in Barrington's nucleus, and labelled terminals appeared in the PBL. When the unilateral TLD was injected the labelled cells and terminals were found in the DCN and bilateral intermediate zone (IM), and formed a band of labelled neurons and terminals. When the PBL was injected the labelled neurons were observed in the DCN and bilateral IM. A few labelled neurons were found in lamina Ⅰ in the latter two experimental groups.Based on the present and previous studies, the authors got the following understandings:1. Morphylogically, the present study for the first time demonstrated that, the micturition reflex arch through the pontine consists of following parts: the primary afferent neurons of the bladder→secondary relay neurons of DCN→Barrington's nucleus→IM (mainly IML) parasympathetic preganglionic neurons→parasympathetic postganglionic neurons.2. According to the present and previous researches, the authors conjecture that, the secondary fibers of visceral sensation of the pelvic organs originate from the neurons of DCN, IM and lamina I and project into the PBL.3. According to the facts mentioned above, we presume that the DCN and bilateral IM constitute a complex and named it the 'visceral field', and which is closely associated with the pelvic organs. This field has widespread connections with the peripheral efferent and afferent nerves. On the other hand, i t contains a lot of relay neurons projecting into Barrington's nucleus and PBL and receives the terminals of descending fibers of the neurons of the Barrington's nucleus. The descending fibers also project into the Onuf's nucleus.In addition, the present study disscussed the co
Acta Anatomica Sinica
Dorsal commissural nuleus
Barrington's nucleus
Parabrachial nucleus
Fiber connections
HRP method