
基于簇头冗余的无线传感器网络可靠性研究 被引量:12

Reliability of wireless sensor networks based on redundancy of cluster-heads
摘要 为了提高工业无线传感器网络的可靠性和可用性,使其能够长期自治地正常工作,提出了基于簇头冗余的工业无线传感器网络分簇路由算法.当工作簇头能量不足时,将主动切换到冗余簇头工作状态.冗余簇头通过冗余测试结果判断工作簇头是否发生故障并接管工作簇头的数据转发任务.当边际节点不能与本簇簇头通信时,将利用备份簇头进行数据转发.对于不能与任何簇头直接通信的孤立节点,采用基于概率模型的多跳路由机制进行数据转发.为了降低功耗,该算法将冗余簇头设置为轻度睡眠状态,当冗余测试周期到来时,关闭射频前端器件.利用自行研制的节点,组建了实验系统,完成了簇头冗余切换、边际节点通信和孤立节点路由恢复的实验.实验结果表明该分簇路由算法具有较高的可靠性. In order to improve the reliability and availability of industrial wireless sensor network (WSN), and to make WSN autonomously work for a long lifetime, a cluster-based routing algorithm for industrial WSN based on the redundancy of cluster-heads was given. When the master cluster-head has not enough energy or has a failure, the redundant cluster-head can take over the data transmission tasks. The marginal nodes use the backup cluster-head and a multi-cluster access scheme to tolerate the failure of cluster-heads. For the isolated nodes that cannot communicate with any cluster-head directly, a multi-hop routing technique based on the probability model was put forward to maintain the normal communication. In addition, the presented algorithm sets the redundant cluster-head into the light-weighted sleeping state, and closes the front end radio frequency components when the redundant testing cycle comes so as to reduce the energy consumption. With the presented sensor nodes, an experimental environment was setup and three experiments were implemented, including cluster-head switching, marginal nodes and isolated nodes communication mechanisms. Experimental results showed that the proposed cluster-based routing algorithm has higher reliability than that of the single cluster-head network model.
出处 《浙江大学学报(工学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期849-854,共6页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Engineering Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(90818010) 国家”863”高技术研究发展计划资助项目(2006AA040301,2008AA04Z132)
关键词 无线传感器网络 工业控制 分簇路由 冗余 可靠性 wireless sensor network industrial control cluster-base'd routing redundancy reliability
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