

On Logistics Outsourcing Services of Control Mechanism Based on Multi-factors
摘要 文章在文献回顾的基础上,分析了物流外包控制的原因,提出构建物流外包控制机制包括市场型外包、伙伴型外包和内包三种类型,以及分别基于价格控制、信任控制和权力控制的机制建立。对复杂物流外包战略研究具有重要理论意义和实践研究价值。 This paper has analyzed the cause of logistics outsourcing control base on references review, It was concluded that the mecha- nisms of logistics outsourcing control are the mixture of market outsourcing, partnership outsourcing and insourcing, and these mechanisms were established a system base on the price control, trust control and authority control. It is very vital theory and practical studying value that should study complex logistics outsoureing strategy.
作者 夏文汇 文洁
出处 《华东经济管理》 CSSCI 2009年第5期85-88,145,共5页 East China Economic Management
关键词 价格 权力 社会学视角 物流外包 控制机制 price authority social school view logistics outsourcing control mechanism
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