苎麻(Boehmeria nivea L.)为荨麻科苎麻属多年生宿根性植物,苎麻根、叶药用,在我国16世纪就有记载。我国民间用煎剂治疗感冒发烧,麻疹高热,尿路感染,肾炎水肿,孕妇腹痛,胎动不安,先兆流产,以及外科上用于跌打损伤,骨折,疮肿痈毒等均有一定疗效。70年代以来,我国医学上对苎麻根化学成分和药理作用曾进行过研究。本实验在实验室前期对苎麻抗炎活性部位筛选的基础上,对其酚酸组份抗炎作用及机制作了进一步的研究。
Objective:To investigate the anti-inflammatory effects and mechanism of active sections of Boehmeria nivea L. leaves.Methods: The anti-inflammatory actions of active sections from Boehmeria nivea L. leaves were studied using models of feet-acute soft-tissue injury by weight dropping with mice.The contents of IL-1β in mice' s paw were measure&Effects of Boehmeria nivea leaves extracts were bserved on lipopolysaccharide(LPS)-indueed PGE2 and COX2 produced in THP-1 cells by cell culture. Results:The phenolic acids in ethyl acetate extract showed the remarkable inhibitory action on the mice tip swell, and reduced the contents of IL-β in the mouse Inflammatory tissue, and inhibited production of PGE2 and expression of COX2 in THP-1 cells. Conclusion: The phenolic acids in extracts from Boehmeria leaves showed marked:anti-inflammatory effects. Its function may be related to the inhibition of the synthesis of IL, COX2 ,PGE2.
Journal of Medicine and Pharmacy of Chinese Minorities