
发展中国家城市低收入住区更新模式研究及启示 被引量:1

Renewal Modes of Urban Low-income Residence in Developing Countries
摘要 面对快速城市化所带来的人口压力、持续增加的社会贫困和不平等,如何促进城市低收入住区的可持续更新已经成为发展中国家普遍面对的问题。该文首先概括了发展中国家城市低收入住区的主要空间特征和社会特征。然后按时间发展的脉络和推动更新的主要动力将其更新模式进行分类,并分别进行总结和评价。最后指出了发展中国家城市低收入住区更新实践对我国城市更新的借鉴意义。 Under the pressure of increasing population, poverty and inequality during the'rapid urbanization, it is a general problem for developing countries how to renew the urban low-income residence sustainably. This article firstly generalizes the spatial and social character of these residence areas in developing countries. Then, it classifies the renewal modes into three types according to time venation and main renewal motivity as well as concludes and estimates each type. At last, the enlightenment of the renewing practice in these areas to Chinese urban upgrading is put forward.
作者 朱海波
出处 《华中建筑》 2009年第5期154-156,共3页 Huazhong Architecture
关键词 发展中国家 城市低收入住区 城市更新 更新模式 Developing country, Urban low-income residence, Urban renewal, Renewal mode
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