4Chiang Monlin. (1918). a study in chinese principles of education. Shanghai: Commercial Press, 1, 31, 31-36, 77,147-148, 148-149, ii, 154-168, 167, 176, 181-182, 30, 167. 被引量:1
5Albert Borowitz. ( 1963 ). Chiang Monlin : Theory and Practice of Chinese Education 1917 - 1930. Selected from Chiang Monlin. Chinese culture and education: a historical and comparative survey. Taipei: World Book Co, Ltd. , 8, 9, 8. 被引量:1
6Chiang Monlin. (1963). Chinese culture & education as seen fifty years later, Selected from Chiang Monlin. Chinese culture and education: a historical and comparative survey.Taipei: World Book Co. , Ltd. 8. 被引量:1