选取具有物理基础的分布式水文模型MIKE SHE来模拟大尺度资料稀缺地区水文过程。以塔里木河主要源区之一开都河流域为研究区域,将流域内气象水文站点观测数据与遥感数据相结合,运用GIS空间分析方法修正数据输入。利用气象、土壤类型、土地利用和地表覆盖、数字高程和降雨等资料,研究大气、陆面、地表水和地下水的相互作用机理,通过模型敏感性分析确定了5个"自由"参数,并依据出山口水文站数据对模型进行率定和验证。结果表明,MIKE SHE能在水文、气象站点稀少,土壤及水文地质数据缺乏的条件下,模拟开都河流域的日径流过程,模型效率系数达到0.7以上,率定期与验证期水量平衡误差均小于3%,模拟径流与实测径流高度相关。
A GIS-aided MIKE SHE model, distributed hydroloyic model, is used to simulate the stream flow in an ungauged Kaidu River Basin (19012 km^2) with arid climate, which is one of the most important sources of Tarim River. Based on the GIS technique, the DEM of the study basin is successfully used to delineate the stream network and to extract the information of catchments characteristics. Landsat TM data from 1995 to 2001 are utilized for various scale depended maps of the land use and vegetation, and leaf area index (LAI) from MODIS data is used as input data for the distributed hydrological modehng. Further, the root depths of the annual vegetation are related to the temporal and spatial variation of LAI. The observed dis- charge at Dashankou station is used for the calibration and validation. It is shown that a well-calibrated MIKE SHE model with five "free" parameters can produce the consistent results with the model efficiency coefficients greater than 0.7, the water bal- ance error lower than 3 %, and the simulated discharge is highly correlated to the observed discharge.
Advances in Water Science