GIS/RS是流域水文过程分布式模拟的重要技术支撑。结合泾河流域的实例研究,探讨了GIS支持下,基于栅格DEM流域水文特征的获取,降水、气温等资料的空间插值,以及土壤、植被等下垫面信息在水文模拟单元上的耦合。在此基础上,应用分布式水文模型对泾河流域的水文过程进行模拟。结果表明:所建模型结构上是合理的,在产流计算中泾河25个子流域在水量平衡方面误差均小于5%。潜在蒸发的模拟在趋势上与实测过程基本一致。径流模拟在4个检验站点上与实测过程的相关系数达到0 84~0 93。模型基本能够满足水资源规划与管理的需要。
GIS/RS is an important technology support for distributed hydrological modeling in a watershed. This paper carries out a case study on the Jinghe River which is the second grade tributary of the Yellow River. With the support of GIS, the watershed characters including slope, river networks and river length are extracted from the digital elevation model with a resolution of 100-by-100 meters. Also, soil and land use information are parameterized to each sub-watershed. And precipitation, temperature are interpolated to all sub-watersheds. By coupling all the distributed parameters, the hydrological processes of the Jinghe River basin are simulated. The results show that the errors of water balance are less than 5% for all 25 sub-watersheds. which indicates the rationality of the model. The potential evapotranspiration simulated is quite close to the observation. As for the four hydrological stations, the correlation coefficient between daily runoff observed and simulated is about 0.84~0.93.
Advances in Water Science
国家重点基础研究发展计划资助项目(G19990436 01)~~