
输电塔-线体系在断线作用下的动力响应 被引量:4

The Dynamic Response of Broken-wire Events on Electricity Transmission Tower-line System
摘要 架空送电线路设计技术规程给出了断线情况下导地线静态平衡后的张力系数,该系数没有考虑塔-线体系的动态冲击效应。以晋东南-南阳-荆门1000kV输电线路沿山头汉江大跨越工程为参考,利用两基三线模型分析了断线工况下大跨越输电塔的动力响应。数值模拟分析表明,断线荷载对输电塔的冲击作用显著,应力放大系数γ达到1.42—1.94。该结论可以为输电线路相关规范的制定提供参考,也为类似塔-线结构体系的动力计算提供借鉴。 The standard of stands electricity transmission gives out a tension coefficient on broken-wire events, but it does not consider the dynamic effect. Referring to the 1 000 kV electricty transmission line alonging Yanshantou Hanjiang River span project of the southeast of Jin-Nanyang-Jingmen, using the FEM software ANSYS, the two towers and three lines FEM modal's dynamic response under broken-wire events is analyzed. It indicates that broken-wire load has a remarkable effect on tower. Amplificatory coefficient of the dynamic gets to 1.42 - 1.94. It provides a reference for relative standard, and it also provides a reference method for the dynamic analysis of similar tower-line system.
出处 《后勤工程学院学报》 2009年第3期14-18,共5页 Journal of Logistical Engineering University
基金 重庆市自然科学基金资助项目(CSTC,2006BB3127)
关键词 输电塔-线体系 动力系数 动力响应 断线 electricity transmission tower-line system coefficient of dynamic dynamic response broken-wire
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