[目的]评价禽霍乱-新城疫二联油乳剂灭活疫苗的临床应用效果,为联合防制禽霍乱和新城疫提供条件。[方法]将禽A型多杀性巴氏杆菌1502强毒株与鸡新城疫病毒La Sota弱毒株混合,制备成5批合格的二联油乳剂灭活苗,用于鸡、鸭和鹅的田间安全性和免疫保护试验。[结果]田间安全性试验表明,免疫鸡、鸭和鹅均未出现不良反应;鸡的田间免疫效力试验表明,7~14日龄雏鸡和60~90日龄青年鸡免疫3周后新城疫血凝抑制(ND-HI)抗体效价均比对照组高2~3 log2,可持续4个月以上,禽多杀性巴氏杆菌攻毒保护率均达到75.0%以上,免疫效力可持续6个月;鸭和鹅的田间免疫效力试验表明,接种3周后免疫组ND-HI抗体效价均≥4.2 log2,对照组均≤2 log2;鸭、鹅的禽多杀性巴氏杆菌攻毒保护率分别在75.0%和62.5%以上。[结论]该二联苗免疫禽类安全可靠,具有良好的免疫效果。
[Objective] The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical effect of the inactivated oil emulsion binary vaccine against Newcastle disease(ND) and Fowl cholera(FC) in order to provide conditions for combined prevention and control of FC and ND.[Method] The mixture of Avian pasteurella multocida(type A) virulent strain 1502 and Newcastle disease virus attenuated strain La Sota was prepared into five batches of inactivated oil emulsion binary vaccine and used in field experiment to assess its safety and effects on immune protection of chicken,duck and goose.[Result] Field safety experiment showed that there were not any adverse reactions in the vaccinated chickens,ducks and geese.As shown by field experiments of immune effect for chicken,the titers of hemagglutination inhibition antibody for Newcastle disease virus(ND-HI) in 7-14-day-old chickens and 60-90-day-old young chickens were 2-3log2 higher than control groups after they were vaccinated for 3 weeks,and the antibodies could last for more than 4 months;the protection rates of Avian pasteurella multocida were up more than 75.0% and the immune effect persisted for 6 months.As indicated by field experiments of immune effect for duck and goose,the titers of ND-HI Ab were all higher than 4.2log2 in vaccinated ducks and geese while the titers lower than 2log2 in control group;the protection rates of APM were higher than 75.0% in vaccinated ducks and more than 62.5% in geese.[Conclusion] This binary vaccine is safe for poultry and has good immune effects.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
Fowl cholera
Newcastle disease
Binary vaccine
Field experiment