用叶片部分披垂、叶色深绿、花器官发育正常的披叶水稻G156S作母本,分别与直立叶恢复系明恢63、明恢86、黔恢085、蜀恢527配制杂交组合,研究披叶性状的遗传,并进行基因定位。根据F1代、F2代、BC1代植株的表现型和χ2测验,结果表明,披叶性状受1对隐性基因控制。选用G156S×黔恢085的F2代作为基因定位群体,采用SSR分子标记,表明控制该披叶性状的基因位于水稻第3染色体短臂上,与标记RM5628和RM6849紧密连锁,遗传距离分别为1.0c M和0.9c M。
G156S with part drooping leaf, dark-green leaf color and normal flower organs was respectively crossed With restoring lines Minghui 63, Minghui 86, Qianhui 085, Shuhui 527 with straight leaf to study heredity and gene loci of drooping leaf character. The results showed that the drooping leaf character was controlled by a pair of recessive genes according to the phenotypes of F1, F2 , BC1 populations and X^2 test, and the gene controlling drooping leaf character was between RM5628 and RM6849 of the short arm of chromosome 3 and its genetic distance was 1.0 cM and 0.9 cMo .
Guizhou Agricultural Sciences