Objective:To observe changes in early pulmonary function after heart operation and to investigate the related factors influencing pulmonary recovery, the degrees of pulmonary improvement promoted by early rehabilitation and rational therapeutics. Methods: Means of the pulmonary of the two groups were measured preoperatively in three successive days within a week. The pulmonary function was determined again on the second, the fourth, the sixth and the eighth day, and the percentage of pulmonary function recovery of the patients in that day was obtained by dividing a certain pulmonary value by the one obtained preoperatively. In the treated group, besides the postoperative routine treatment as performed in the control group, rehabilitation treatment was applied in addition. Results:There were reducion of pulmonary function in both groups. The recovery in the treated group was significant. It showed that the relationship between recovery and the number of days after the operation was evident and the influence of various heart operations upon postoperative pulmonary function was varied but by no means significant. There were no pulmonary complications postoperatively in the treated group, thus shortening the duration of hospitalization. Conclusion:Rehabilitation therapies are important in prevention, reduction of postoperative complications which promote the patients′ recovery. Author′s address\ The People′s Hospital of Guangdong Province, Guangdong Cardiovascular Institute, 510080
Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
Pulmonary function
Heart operation