
停车换乘需求分析与定价方法——以上海市轨道交通停车换乘为例 被引量:10

Park-and-Ride Demand Analysis and Parking Pricing:a case study of Shanghai in rail transit park-and-ride operation
摘要 如何充分利用已建停车换乘设施的能力,又不会由于需求太大在换乘点产生拥堵是政策制定者和P+R停车场(库)运营者的一个挑战。选取上海市地铁1号线两个车站和9号线1个车站进行停车换乘需求行为调查,分析P+R潜在使用者的行为特性,得出换乘点停车费用是影响出行者选择停车换乘的一个重要因素,可利用价格杠杆引导停车换乘选择行为。将换乘点停车费用作为变量构建停车换乘选择Logit模型,得到停车换乘分担率与换乘点停车收费的函数关系。以上海市地铁莘庄站为例,将相关数据和目标分担率代入模型,反推得到其停车收费标准为5元·次-1。 How to make full use of the existing park & ride (P&R) facilities while avoiding congestion caused by a high demand of P&R activities at these facilities proves to be a challenge to decision-makers as well as to those in charge of the facilities. Through a survey of P&R demand behaviors at 2 P&R stations of subway Line 1 and another station of Line 9 in Shanghai, this paper investigates the behavioral characteristics of those potential P&R travelers, and identifies the parking fees paid at P&R stations to be a critical factor that affects their behavior of P&R choice which, as the authors argue, can be leveraged by parking pricing. Therefore, a functional relation was established between the P&R percentage and the parking fees paid at the stations while developing a Logit P&R choice model which considers the parking fee a variable. Data collected at the subway station of Xinzhuang, Shanghai, and a target P&R percentage were used as an example to apply the model, resulting in a parking fee of 5 Chinese dollars per space occupancy.
出处 《城市交通》 2009年第2期13-18,12,共7页 Urban Transport of China
关键词 交通规划 静态交通 停车换乘需求 LOGIT模型 定价方法 transportation planning static transportation P&R demand Logit model parking pricing method
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