After gun-shot wound with high velocity steel-ball pellet was inflicted of one hind limb ofthe pigs, the changes of hemodynamics, blood gases, chest x-ray films, serum T3 and T4,fibronectin, protein content of lung lavage, lung weight, etc were observed within the 72-hour-peri-od postinjury or when the animal was killed or died 72 h postinjury. The pathological changes wereexamined as soon as possible with both optic and electron microscope. Changes of the above-men-tioned parameters in different intensity were found especially in those animals which diedspontaneously. In addition, the relationship between the occurrence of respiratory distresssyndrome(RDS) after trauma and the trauma index-injury severity score was discussed and it waspointed out that attention should be paid to the subclinical type of RDS.
After gun-shot wound with high velocity steel-ball pellet was inflicted of one hind limb of the pigs, the changes of hemodynamics, blood gases, chest x-ray films, serum T3 and T4, fibronectin, protein content of lung lavage, lung weight, etc were observed within the 72-hour-peri- od postinjury or when the animal was killed or died 72 h postinjury. The pathological changes were examined as soon as possible with both optic and electron microscope. Changes of the above-men- tioned parameters in different intensity were found especially in those animals which died spontaneously. In addition, the relationship between the occurrence of respiratory distress syndrome(RDS) after trauma and the trauma index-injury severity score was discussed and it was pointed out that attention should be paid to the subclinical type of RDS.