1985年冬在上海南岛用7个不育系(包括 T、C、S 型)及其5个同名保持系为母本,4个恢复系为父本,以不完全双列杂交方式获得28个 CMSF_1与对应的20个 N 质 F_(10)1986年以此为材料进行了对 N 质 F_1与 CMSF_1农艺性状以及氨基酸的相关性及其亲本配合力等方面的对比分析。试验结果表明:玉米 CMS 不仅对性状本身有一定影响,而且性状与性状之间的相互关系以及在配合力等方面的遗传行为也有一定的影响;从 CMSF_1中选择果稳粗而长、籽粒较大的优良稳型来获得高产的可能性比 N 质 F_1大;在不育系和恢复系中筛选出赖氨酸含量高、产量配合力较好的材料来组配杂交组合,就有可能获得籽粒产量较高、又富含赖氨酸的不育胞质杂种一代(CMSF_1)。
Twenty-eight CMS F's and twenty normal fertile cytoplasmic F's were obtained on Hainan Island in the winter of 1985 by means of incomplete dia- llel cross with seven cytoplasmic male sterile lines,five mainstainer lines as the maternal plants and four restorer lines as the paternal. There weye used in 1986 as research materials for the purpose of comp- arative analysis of the correlation between the agronmic characters of the normal fertile cytoplamic F's and CMS F's and their parental combining abilities.The result is asfollows. 1.The average of ear height of CMs F's,Silking period and leaf number was above that of the normal fertile cytoplasmic F's,and the weight of a hundred Kernels of the formeer was less but it reached the significance level.For the normal fertile cytoplasmic F's,ear length seemed relatively important and ear thickness seemed seemed relatively imporant for CMSF 2.For ear thickness of normal feytile cytoplasmic F additive genetic effect was dominant while in the genetic effects of ear thickness of CMs F's both additive effect and nonadditive effect were equally important,The per- formances of normal fertile cytoplasmic F and CMS P towards parentalyield gi is identical while those towards hybrid generation yield Sij has a larger difference. 3.The average of threonine,proline,leucine,tyrosi ne,lysine mainly analysed and their correlation in both normal fertile cytoplasmi'c F and CMs F did not remarkably differ;There was no obvious genotic correlation bet- ween lysine and yield per plant for both normal ferile cytoplasmic F and CMS F. 4.In the lysine genetic effect of normal fertile cytoplasmic F,the addi- tive effect and nonadditive effect were almost equally imporant while for lysine in CMS F additive geetic effectt was dominant;the performances of normal fertile cytoplasmic F and CMs F towards parental lysine gi were basically identical,but they were different towards maternal gi. 5.Compared with normal fertile cytoplasmic F,CMS F has a greater possibility of achieving high yield because of i
Agricultural Science Journal of Yanbian University