Trare amounts of benzene hydrocarbons obtained in Jiaozhou Bay (Qindao) were enriched bysorption on a GDX-102 column and eluted by carbon disulfide. The eluted was concenttaled and then de-temened by capillary column gas cbornatognphy.The contents of virious kinds of benzene hydrocarbons in Jiaozhou Bay coastal water were benzene(22.3-141.6)× 10~(-9)g/L, toluate (15.2-94.0) × 10<sup>-9</sup> g/L, ethyl benzene(11.8-85.1)×10<sup>-9</sup> g/L, p -xylene(15.2-78.5) ×10(-9) g/L, m-xylene (10.9-79.4) ×10(-9) g/L, o -xylene (12.4-80.1) x ×10(-9)g/L; iso-propyl(8.4- 73.1) x ×10(-9)g/L, n -propyl (6.9-76.4) ×10(-9) g/L, 1, 3, 5-trimethylbenzene (10.9- 35.9)×10(-9) g/L, 1,2, 4-trimethybenzene (10.0- 38.0)×10(-9) g/L, n - butydriare (8. 1 - 34.6) ×10(-9)g/L. The recovery of benzenehydrocarbons was (85.1 -95.6)%.
Trace amounts of benzene hydrocarbons obtained in Jiaozhou Bay (Qingdao) were enriched by sorption on a GDX- 102 column and eluted by carbon disulfide. The eluate was concentrated and then determined by capillary column gas chromatography.The contents of various kinds of benzene hydrocarbons in Jiaozhou Bay coastal water were benzene (22.3-141.6)×10-9 g/L; toluate (15.2-94.0) ×10-9 g/L; ethyl benzene (11.8-85.1)×10-9 g/L; p-xylene (15.2-78.5)×10-9 g/L; m-xylene (10.9-79.4)×10-9g/L; o-xylene (12.4-80.1)×10-9 g/L; iso-propyl (8.4-73.1)× 10-9 g/L; n-propyl (6.9-76.4)×10-9 g/L; 1, 3, 5-trimethylbenzene (10.9-35.9)×10-9 g/L; 1, 2, 4-trimethybenzene (10.0-38.0)×10-9g/L; n-butybenzene (8.1-34.6) ×10-9g/L. The recovery of benzene hydrocarbons was (85.1-95.6)%.