In this paper we prove that Sands' topological condition for Collet-Eckmann maps implies Tsujii's metrical condition; on the other hand, if a Collet-Eckmann map satisfies Tsujii's metrical condition, then it satisfies Sands' topological condition. Thus we obtain three different versions of Benedicks-Carleson Theorem by using topological conditions.
In this paper we prove that Sands' topological condition for Collet-Eckmann maps implies Tsujii's metrical condition; on the other hand, if a Collet-Eckmann map satisfies Tsujii's metrical condition, then it satisfies Sands' topological condition. Thus we obtain three different versions of Benedicks-Carleson Theorem by using topological conditions.
the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.19901035) andTWAS/CNPq associate fellowship.