传统的DSP软件开发都是先设计DSP上的算法并仿真然后将其写成特定DSP的代码(c或是汇编)在目标板上实现。介绍了一种新的高效、集成的DSP软件设计方法。利用MATLAB7.0新提供的Embeded Target for TI C2000 DSP、simulink、Real-Time Workshop和TI的CCS IDE相结合,在MATLAB环境下生成DSP的C代码并调用CCS IDE编译连接,实现了DSP软件设计与实现的统一,极大的缩短了开发周期。利用这种方法开发的根据AD口采集电压信号调节PWM输出占空比的程序已在F2812目标板上成功运行。
Traditional development of DSP software is first to design the DSP arithrnefic and then generate code manually for especial DSP. In this article a new high -efficient DSP developing method is introduced. The design of DSP software and realization can be completed in MATLAB environment with use of Embeded Target for TI C2000 DSP, simuhnk, Real - Time Workshop and TI' s CCS IDE. A program that adjusting the duty cycle of PWM by the voltage collected by ADC has work well on the F2812 target.