对100尾平均体长为10.84 cm、体重为22.8 g的丁鱥进行了饲料诱食剂的初步研究。选用10种中草药(丁香、肉桂、八角、山萘、薄荷、黄连、黄柏、黄岑、枝子、胡椒)作为诱食剂,以2%的添加量分别加入到基础饵料中,用迷宫试验记录试验鱼进入诱鱼室和空白室的次数,以及试验鱼咬啄饵料球的次数,以分析不同中草药对丁鱥的诱食效果。试验期间水温为22~24℃。结果表明:丁香、薄荷、八角和黄连对丁鱥具较好的诱食效果(P<0.05)。中草药的浓度不同,诱食效果也不同。其中:6%黄连、4%薄荷、2%八角对丁鱥的诱食效果最好;黄连与八角以1%的浓度添加在饲料中后对丁鱥的诱食效果最好。
The effects of the feed attractants on Tinca.tinca were studied. The average length and the average weight of Tinca.tinca were 10.84 cm and 22.8 g respectively. Engenia caiyophy Uate Thunb, Illicium verum Hook, Cinnamomum cassia Presl, Kaempferia galamga, Herba Menthae, Coptis chinensis Franch, PheUodendrom amurense Rupr, Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi, Edako and Piper nigrum were selected as feed attractants. The added amount to the basic diet was 2%. Using the Migong experiments, the times of Tinca.tinca going into the inducing room and biting the feed ball were recorded. The water temperature was 22-24 ℃during the whole experiment. The results show that in ten kinds of Chinese herb, Engenia caiyophy Uate Thunb, Herba Menthae, Illicium verum Hook and Coptis chinensis Franch had the significant inducing effects on Tinca. Then, four kinds of Chinese herb that had better inducing effect were chosen to carry on the gradient experiment. The results show that the best inducing effect could be found when the added amount of the Coptis chinensis Franch, the Herba Menthae and the Illicium verum Hook was 6%, 4% and 2%, respectively. At the same time, 1% Cinnamomum cassia Presl and 1% Coptis chinensis Franch also had the best inducing effect among the mixtures.
Journal of Tianjin Agricultural University
Chinese herb
Tinca.tinca. attractants,