2006年12月24—27日南京地区出现了连续4天的浓雾天气,其中能见度小于50 m的强浓雾持续了40多个小时。利用FM-100型雾滴谱仪,连续观测了雾滴谱、数密度和含水量等微物理参量。结合自动气象站及能见度仪观测资料,分析了这次浓雾过程的微物理特征,并与1996年观测结果进行对比:雾滴的平均含水量和平均直径与1996年观测结果相当,含水量最大值比1996年观测结果大4倍,数密度比10年前小。认为前2个子过程的雾滴数密度、含水量很高,造成了南京本次大雾能见度长时间低于50 m的恶劣天气。结合边界层探空资料,认为形成这种强浓雾的主要原因是近地层持续存在强盛的水汽平流,具有平流雾的特征。根据雾微物理参量的起伏变化,将浓雾过程分成4个子过程,分析并比较了4个子过程的雾滴谱分布,总过程的谱分布及4个子过程的谱分布都服从Deirmendjian分布,谱型都基本呈指数下降,雾滴主要集中在小滴段。最后,对第一个子过程微物理参量的变化特征进行了细致分析。发现这次浓雾是在夜间晴空辐射降温后形成的,午夜最强,日出后随着气温的升高逐渐减弱,反映了辐射雾的日变化特征。另外,还发现雾形成以后,开始变化不大,但随着进一步辐射降温,地面雾团不断产生,雾爆发性发展。
Persistent heavy fogs occurred in Nanjing during 24 - 27 December 2006, and the super dense fog with a visibility below 50-meter persisted for more than 40 hours. Many studies have been done based on the observation data of the fog process from automatic weather station, ZQZ-DN visibility meter and FM-100 fog particle spectrometer. The microphysieal characteristics of the persistent fogs were analyzed based on the continual fog droplet size, number concentration, liquid water content (LWC) data as well as the temperature, humidity, and visibility observations, and compare the results of the micro-physical parameters with those of fogs in Nanjing in 29 - 30 December 1996. The average LWC and diameter of the fogs are equivalent to those of 1996, yet the maximum LWC is four times and the number concentration is smaller than that of 1996, respectively. It is the high number concentration and LWC in the first and second processes that led to the bad weather of the long-duration super dense fogs in Nanjing. Combining with the data of tethersonde, it was found that the continuous strong vapor advection resulted in the persistent heavy fogs, and therefore it possessed the characters of adveetion fog. According to the variations of the micro-physical parameters, the whole process was divided into four fog processes, and the average droplet spectrum distributions of the four processes were analyzed and compared, and the resuits indicate that the average droplet spectrum distributions of both the whole process and the four processes obeyed the Deirmendjian distribution, i.e. the number concentration declined exponentially with the increase of droplet diameter and droplets with a smaller diameter dominated. At last, the micro-physical parameters of fogs in the first process were analyzed in more detail, it was found that the fog formed after the radiation cooling in the clear night sky (December 24), reached its peak intensity in the midnight and then weakened gradually along with temperature rise after the sunrise n
Acta Meteorologica Sinica
Nanjing, Heavy fog, Advection-radiation fog, Fog droplet spectrum