西双版纳位于云南省南部,是我国有名的热带多雾地区。雾中能见度低,影响了交通运输,它具有有害的一面;但它对生产高质量的茶叶十分有利,雾和逆温所形成的山腰暖带,又能使橡胶树种植范围向山地扩大,因而雾对西双版纳农林业生产又具有有益的一面。 1986年12月26日至1987年2月18日期间,我们对西双版纳地区的景洪、勐养和勐海等地辐射雾进行了28天的观测,用三用滴谱仪对雾滴谱取样,用GZW-1型低空探空仪进行边界屋温度探测。
Radiation fog was observed in Jinghong, Mengyang and Mengmai for 28 days from Dec. 26, 1986 to Feb. 18, 1987. A tri-combination dropsize spectrometer was used for samplimg fog spectra, and GZW-1 type low altitude radiosondes were used to obtain the vertical temperature profile in the boundary layer. In order to know the distribution of fog and temperature in the mountain region, an observing car was used 77 times along the twisty road between Jinghong and Mengyang to get data, with sampling interval of 1 km. With these observed data and historical records in local meteorpiogcal stations, the time-space distribution, temperature stratification and microphysical structure of radiation fog in Xishuangbanna have been analysed, and some important characteristics about the fog's evolution have been obtained.
Acta Meteorologica Sinica