对香石竹切花(Dianthus caryophyllusL.)用不同体积浓度的1-MCP-β-环糊精溶液处理不同的时间,观察其外观形态品质和生理生化指标,得知以50 mg/L的1-MCP-β-环糊精溶液在7 m3的密闭体系中处理8 h效果最佳。能极大提高香石竹切花的观赏价值,减少萎蔫程度,延缓开放,延迟香石竹切花叶片质膜相对透性下降,并对叶片叶绿素含量变化有一定的影响。
Using different volume concentration of 1-MCP-β-CD treating on the cut carnation in different time. According to vase life, appearance quality and the fresh weight of flower shoot, it indicate that using 50 mg/L of 1-MCP-β-CD in 7 cubic meters closed system for about 8 hours has the optimum quantity. To observe the appearance quality and physiological and biochemistry index of the cut carnation treating in these conditions ,the results indicate that the treated flowers stayed turgid and the vase-holding life was longer compared with untreated flowers. In addition,the treated flowers by 1-MCP-β-CD can increase the relative permeability of plasmalemma and also have some effects on the concentration of chlorophyll.
Journal of Wuhan Botanical Research