
泥鳅在生物栅技术修复景观水体中的作用 被引量:8

Function of Loach on the Pollutants Removal from Polluted River Water Using a BGD Device
摘要 设计一种由微生物载体填料和水生植物、水生动物为主要构件的生物栅处理装置(BGD),以强化处理污染景观水体.实验中选择组合填料、美人蕉、泥鳅作为生物栅构成要素,以上海市苏州河支流赤水河河水为实验用水,通过对比实验研究泥鳅在系统中的作用.泥鳅投放密度为650gm^-2,以近自然的方式进行静态处理,过程中体系溶解氧(DO)的变化范同为1.9-3.0mgL^-1.BGD组DO水平高于对照组,运行第24h和48h,BGD组DO分别为1.96mgL^-1和2.2mgL^-1,而对照组只有1.5mgL^-1.生物栅内泥鳅在根系和填料间往来穿梭,上下运动,增加了生物栅的复氧速率,BGD中dDO/dDOC。[DO减少量与溶解性有机碳(DOC)减少量比值]随时间变化曲线斜率KBGD为-0.0042.-k对照〈-KBGD,说明BGD中的复氧速率大于对照组.运行48h时BGD组NH4^+-N和TP去除率分别为50.7%和82.4%,比对照组提高30.9%和23.5%.24h时BGD组TN去除率为34.4%,较对照组减少14.1.DO水平相对较高有利于NH4^+-N、TP的去除,而不利于TN的去除.对照组和BGD组对UV254类物质都有一定去除效果,但对照组的去除率低于BGD组,运行72h后,去除率分别为36.4%(对照组)和45.4%(BGD组),泥鳅分泌特定酶能够降解特定的有机物质,有利于UV254的去除. A Biological Grid Device (BGD) was designed in order to give increased treatment effect on polluted river water. The designed device mainly consisted of hydrophytes, aquatic animals and combined packing; and the device ecosystemic compositions were mainly loaches, cannas and biofilm microorganisms. Water from Chishui River, a tributary of the Suzhou River in Shanghai, was used for the experiment. Loach density in the device was about 1200 g m^-3; and dissolved oxygen (DO) in water varied from 1.9 mg L^-1 to 3.0 mg L^-1. At the 24^th and 48^th hour from the beginning of the experiment, the DO values in water were 1.96 mg L^-1 and 2.2 mg L^-1, respectively; whereas those in CK without loach, were only about 1.5 mg L^-1 at the same time. In the CK experiment, the slope of doo/dooc (ratio of DO reductions and DOC reductions) versus time was -0.0016; while the value was -0.0042 in the BGD. -KCK〈-KBGD, indicating that loach can increase oxygen supply as a result of swimming up and down in the water of the device. After treatment for 48 h, the removal rates of NH4^+-N and TP in the experiment were 50.7% and 82.35% respectively, which were 30.9% and 23.5% higher than those in the CK; whereas TN removal rate was only 34.4% after 24 hours' treatment, which was 14.1% lower than that in the CK, and showed that the higher DO level made the device have higher NH4^+-N and TP removal rates, but lower TN removal rate. Loach also helped remove substances having absorption at ultraviolet 254 nm, because loach can excrete special enzymes to decompose special organic substances, which might be beneficial to remove UV254 substances. Fig 6, Tab 3, Ref 17
出处 《应用与环境生物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期82-86,共5页 Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology
基金 国家高技术研究发展“863”计划专项基金(No.2006AA06Z331) 上海市科委项目(No.062312019,No.2007BAK27B05)资助~~
关键词 生物栅 泥鳅 景观水体 生态修复 biological grid device loach river water ecological restoration
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