Shock Hugoniot relation is the basic characteristic parameters of explosive.JB9001 is a plastic bonded explosive which mainly contains TATB.JB9001 explosive and standard material LY12 samples were processed and their sizes are same.Two samples are symmetrically put on the LY12 base plate.One dimensional detonation loading system consists of detonator,initiation charge,plane wave generator and main charge.The LY12 flyer is driven by detonation wave which is attenuated with a metal plate.We use manganin gauges and oscilloscope to record the interface pressure pexp and pAl between the LY12 base plate and the explosive sample as well as between the LY12 plate and LY12 sample.Since the shock Hugoniot relation of LY12 is known,we can determine a reflected shock Hugoniot relation curve on the Hugoniot diagram by measuring the interface pressure pAl.On the basis of the shock wave formula and boundary conditions,the shock wave velocity us and the particle velocity up behind the wave are drived.We have obtained the shock Hugoniot relation of JB9001 explosive with average density ρ0=1875g/cm3 by using least square methodus=(2.78±0.21)+(1.43±0.19)up(0.40km/s≤up≤1.51km/s)experimental measureing error is less than 5%.
Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics