
大学生情绪社会分享的公众观 被引量:2

A Survey of the Public View of Couege Students' Social Sharing of Emotion
摘要 以189名大学生为被试,在开放式问卷预调查的基础上,编制包含4方面内容,78个项目的情绪社会分享公众观正式调查问卷。对210名大学生正式调查的结果表明:大学生认为情绪社会分享具有情绪改善、认知应对、人际融洽三类功能,具有传播负效、承载负效两类风险;分享对象的反应促进和反应阻断行为以及分享事件性质和分享限制行为影响分享过程。 Based on a pilot project which surveyed 189 college students by open questionnaires, a formal survey questionnaire of the public view of social sharing of emotion including four aspects and 78 items was established. The results of the formal survey on 210 college students showed: the social sharing of emotion has three functions, including emotional improvement, cognitive coping, relational harmony and two risks of negative effects of dissemination and conveyance. The sharing process is affected by the target's reaction-promoting and reaction-blocking behaviors, the natune of the event to be shared and the restriction on sharing.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期201-203,241,共4页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 上海师范大学博士生创新能力培养项目资助(项目编号:JWY606) 上海市教育委员会重点学科建设项目资助(J50403)
关键词 情绪 情绪社会分享 公众观 大学生 emotion, the social sharing of emotion, public view, college students
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