The 21st century is the time of great development of the world as well as China, and will definitely be the time of change and innovation for developmental philosophy. The construction of developmental philosophy going towards contemporary China must face to the Chinese native experiences, and deploy the new innovation patterns by way of 'one body with two wings'. On the one hand, it is necessary to match Marx's thought tradition about development and modernity critique, to return to the origin and open up the new world, on the other hand, it is necessary as well to achieve the shift for localization of developmental philosophy in the active intercourse with global developmental theory, furthermore, it is necessary to agglomerate into Chinese developmental philosophy with striking features and peculiar style, in the solution to contemporary Chinese developmental problems, in philosophical rethinking of 'Chinese experiences' and 'Beijing consensus', and in upgrading the Chinese native developmental culture. To maintain the Chinese standing point, to sparkplug the Chinese science, based on the original spirit, the author has provided a series of innovative ideas such as 'new globalization time', 'Chinese new modernity', 'Chinese mode of three modernization stages', 'modernization origin structure' and 'environment support', for the theoretical construction of Chinese native developmental philosophy.
Jianghai Academic Journal