
苜蓿种子产量及其构成因素的多样性研究 被引量:14

Diversity of Seed Yield and its Components in Alfalfa Varieties
摘要 在2005-2006年连续两年在条播条件下对国内外62份苜蓿种质55个4龄苜蓿品种的种子产量及其构成因素的多样性和相关性进行了研究。结果表明所有参试的苜蓿品种间的种子产量差异比较大,生殖枝数/m2、每生殖枝花序数、每花序小花数、每花序小荚数,每小荚种子数品种间存在较大的变异,遗传多样性比较复杂。通过对两年的数据进行相关分析发现,种子产量与生殖枝花序数在两年中相关均极显著,可以作为高种子产量品种选育的重要指标之一。实际种子产量占潜在种子产量百分比在品种之间和茬次之间均存在较大差异,而且发现两年中实际种子产量占潜在种子产量几乎均小于4%,绝大部分在1%~2%之间。研究发现千粒重与其它指标相关性不显著,国内品种千粒重表现比较大的变异,多数品种间千粒重差异较大,但国外品种间(除Jindera外)千粒重变异较小,品种间差异不显著(p>0.05)。 Genetic diversity of seed yield characteristics was studied with different varieties of alfalfas using morphological, a field study was conducted from 2005 to 2006 in Linze county of Zhangye city, Gansu province, genetic diversity of seed yield and its components were investigated in 62 alfalfa germplasm resources belonging to 55 varieties which grew in the fourth year under row sowing condition. Variation of seed yields was large among varieties, and the two years results also showed that each of the seed yield components among varieties and between years vaired greatly. All the seed yield components varied among varieties, and there were significantly differences between domestic varieties and introduced varieties except number of seeds per pod. The number of inflorescences per fertile shoot was significantly correlated with seed yield in two years, it was stressed that the number of inflorescences fer fertile shoot could be an useful character to be used as a selection criterion for increasing the seed yield potential of alfalfa row sowing condition. The mean percentage of actual seed yield accounted for potential seed yield (ASY/PSY) was less than 4% in two years, most of them was between 1% and 2%, and difference significantly was found among varieties and between years. It was found that 1 000 seed weight was different significantly among all domestic sources, but not different in introduced sources (p〉0.05).
出处 《分子植物育种》 CAS CSCD 2009年第1期95-104,共10页 Molecular Plant Breeding
基金 兰州大学农业部牧草与草坪草种子质量监督检测测试中心中澳合作项目(ASI/1998026)资助
关键词 苜蓿 种子产量 产量构成因素 遗传多样性 Alfalfa, Seed yield, Seed yield components, Genetic diversity
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